Tuesday 8 November 2011

Target Audience Expectations.

My target audience is for young adults and mature adults, it looks at the current music scene whilst still remembering the music from past years. The target audience will expect the basic colours that you see on 'Q' and 'NME', such as red, black and white. They like to see eye-catching headings, something that they will want to read about. They would also like to see an artist on the front cover that they recognise as they will want to read about them. A bold Mast Head will catch the readers attention and make them want to see what else the magazine has to offer. The price is small so the reader won't pay attention to it until they know that they want to buy the magazine. If I use similar colours to 'Q' then the audience will become familiar with the genre of the magazine, the colours I will use will be red, black and white.

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