Sunday 12 February 2012

Media essay

Discuss the use of sound and mise-en-scene in the extract from ‘Life on Mars’. Make specific reference to examples from the sequence.

The use of sound in the extract gives atmosphere to the scene. There is asynchronous sound when he is driving as you can’t hear the sounds of the other cars and the soundtrack has nothing to do with the visuals however the sounds create an emotional atmosphere which makes the audience feel more connected to the character because he is upset and the music helps to build on the emotion. The diegetic sound of the car horn shocks you; it is diegetic because it belongs in the scene. Now we are able to hear the song that is playing on his iPod which is diegetic, asynchronous and is also a sound bridge. It’s diegetic because we see a shot of the iPod in the scene. It is asynchronous because it is not related to the scene, however it becomes a sound bridge into the next scene when the era changes to the 70’s, as the song links the two scenes together and plays throughout.  

The use of Mise-en-scene in the extract is to create the characters through dress and the location through buildings and the surrounding area. At the beginning of the sequence there is a building which makes the area look rough which creates a dim atmosphere. It also shows what time era they’re in as later in the sequence the scene changes to show him in the 70’s. In the scene there is rubble and smoke and a factory to show that the scene is now in the 70’s. The lighting is bright as the whole sequence is set outside. The main character wears a suit in the beginning of the sequence to show he has a higher status over the other police officers. When he is in the 70’s he wears flare jeans and a leather coat to show the era and he now has no status.

Friday 6 January 2012

Production company name.

‘M.I.C’ company is a new magazine production company, specialising in the music genre.  ‘M.I.C’ is a new magazine which specialises in interviewing upcoming artists about their albums. It tells you about tours and other bands that are releasing albums and singles. ‘M.I.C’ has been up and running for six months and we’ve already had some positive reviews and major sales and are happy with the results that we got back. We are located in London and have access to artists when they release an album we are allowed to listen to the album and interview the artist so that our magazine can promote both.

Friday 18 November 2011


When i do my photoshoot my model will be Emily Mason.
The location will be (hopefully) in deserted places and then I will pick the pictures that I think look better and have a nice location.
The equipment required is a camera and maybe a tri-pod.
I won't be using any props. The costume will be something casual. She will be wearing make-up.
The day will be on Friday.

My Proposal.

My proposal is to create a music magazine, promoting a new artist.
I will include an interview along with a contents page and a front cover, with a picture of the artist.
The interview will include information about the artists album and the singer.
The colours i will use will be red, black and white.

Friday 11 November 2011

Analysis of contents page, layout and images.

The main image has taken up most of the page and it is eye-grabbing and the text is off to the left hand side and is smaller as the publishers want the readers to look at the picture first. There is a box that says 'Every Month' and this tells the reader what to expect every month, I like this idea because it will keep the readers interested. I also like the simpilicity of the layout as it is straight forward. The font is also in the 'Q' colours of red and black which are appealing colours.

This magazines contents page has the colours of red, black and white as they are appealing colours and fits in with the rest of the magazine. There is also a puff because it engages the audience and boosts the status of the magazine by telling the readers to subscribe, this is a production technique and helps to boost sales. On the left hand side there is an endless list of the contents however on the right hand side there is headings and then page numbers for either the news, reviews and features. I like the right hand side column better as it looks more presentable but the left hand side is easier to follow.

 This NME magazine contents page also uses the colours of red, black and white. The magazine keeps to the same colour scheme with evey issue.