Friday 18 November 2011


When i do my photoshoot my model will be Emily Mason.
The location will be (hopefully) in deserted places and then I will pick the pictures that I think look better and have a nice location.
The equipment required is a camera and maybe a tri-pod.
I won't be using any props. The costume will be something casual. She will be wearing make-up.
The day will be on Friday.

My Proposal.

My proposal is to create a music magazine, promoting a new artist.
I will include an interview along with a contents page and a front cover, with a picture of the artist.
The interview will include information about the artists album and the singer.
The colours i will use will be red, black and white.

Friday 11 November 2011

Analysis of contents page, layout and images.

The main image has taken up most of the page and it is eye-grabbing and the text is off to the left hand side and is smaller as the publishers want the readers to look at the picture first. There is a box that says 'Every Month' and this tells the reader what to expect every month, I like this idea because it will keep the readers interested. I also like the simpilicity of the layout as it is straight forward. The font is also in the 'Q' colours of red and black which are appealing colours.

This magazines contents page has the colours of red, black and white as they are appealing colours and fits in with the rest of the magazine. There is also a puff because it engages the audience and boosts the status of the magazine by telling the readers to subscribe, this is a production technique and helps to boost sales. On the left hand side there is an endless list of the contents however on the right hand side there is headings and then page numbers for either the news, reviews and features. I like the right hand side column better as it looks more presentable but the left hand side is easier to follow.

 This NME magazine contents page also uses the colours of red, black and white. The magazine keeps to the same colour scheme with evey issue.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

The target audience and genre of my magazine.

The genre of my magazine is indie rock, such as from 'Q' magazine. It looks at new artists and artists from the past. 'Q' magazine also looks at music reviews, film reviews, live concerts and the dates, as well as radio and television reveiws.

The target audience for magazines such as this will be adults, young and old. They would appreciate the reviews so they will know whether to buy the cd or not. They can find out when there are concerts and where they are. They will be able to read film and television reviews.
For my magazine the target audience will be mature adults as they listen to the type of music I will be writing about in my magazine.

Magazine Production Companies.

The magazine production company such as 'Bauer' produces magazines such as 'Q' and 'Kerrang' and these magazines are the biggest selling for that company, as they have a very specific target audience however they are different genre's of music. 'Kerrang' deals with heavy rock and 'Q' look at soft rock and indie.

Genre codes and conventions.

Indie and Rock Magazine.

Front Cover:

Conventions:         The Mast Head is always to the left hand side of the magazine, or across the top in capital letters. The colour of the Mast Head is in red, which is appealing and dominating.

                               The Main Cover Lines are always the eye-catching headlines and are generally in capital letters or a bold font. The colour of these are generally keeping with the magazine's colour scheme. The font is in 'Sans Serif'.

                               The Main Cover Image is either in the centre of the cover or to the left. If it is in the centre than it will probably be covering the Mast Head. The Main Cover Image takes up most of the cover, this happens on most 'Q' and 'NME' magazine front covers.

                               Special offers on the front covers of 'Q' are in red backgrounds and on 'NME' front covers they are in yellow. They are eye-catching and would stand out to the reader, this is a production technique.
                               'Q' magazine front covers are in red, black and white or grey. They are simple colours but are also the most appealing and would catch the readers attention. 'NME' also have the colour schemes of red, black and white.

                                The bar codes and prices are always small and are either under the Mast Head or on the right hand side at the bottom of the page. This is because they want the reader to want to buy the magazine before looking at the price.


Target Audience Expectations.

My target audience is for young adults and mature adults, it looks at the current music scene whilst still remembering the music from past years. The target audience will expect the basic colours that you see on 'Q' and 'NME', such as red, black and white. They like to see eye-catching headings, something that they will want to read about. They would also like to see an artist on the front cover that they recognise as they will want to read about them. A bold Mast Head will catch the readers attention and make them want to see what else the magazine has to offer. The price is small so the reader won't pay attention to it until they know that they want to buy the magazine. If I use similar colours to 'Q' then the audience will become familiar with the genre of the magazine, the colours I will use will be red, black and white.

Friday 4 November 2011

Analysis of Language and Layout.

The article has a main image at the top of the article so the reader understands what the article is about. It shows the band against a black background and there is a little box of information on a red background which stands out from the black and the writing is in white. Underneath this picture is another picture of the lead singer standing alone because he is the main topic of discussion in the article. On the left-hand side of the article is another short article called 'Space Odyssey', the background is in red which keeps with the theme of the magazine. It is a production technique.

The article has a black heading as it says 'Alex Turner? The dullest man in the world' so they might be being humerous in their article by making the font a dull colour. The main image is in the middle of the page to draw the attention of the reader. This is an interview and the interviewer's words are in red and the answers are in black. There is also a red box with information in it which is bigger than the interview text which gives a preview of what is being said in the interview. There is also a puff which advertises a competition and what the reader can win. The colours in the article are red, white and black which are the most common colours used, as they are the most appealing colours to the human eye. The person in the main image has been placed in a white background so that he stands out and it is eye-catching. I like the way the interviewer's text is in bold and the answers are in black, I also like the way the main image has been placed, straight in the middle with the text around it. I like the basic colours of the article and the way it hasn't got too much going on so that it is easier to concentrate on the article itself.  

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Analysis of music magazine front cover.

This magazine has a busy front cover, such as:
The Mast-Head is eye-catching the letter is white on a red background, red is a masculine colour.
There are two plugs, to pull the audiences attention by telling them what they are to expect when they buy the magazine, they say that there are specials which will interest the reader because they will be finding out more information then they bargained for.
The Main Image is of a famous artist, Madonna, she is dressed in black which allows her name to be printed in a bold red and also the names of the artists are in a list and the font is in white, this is in a contrast to the black. The list is a Main Cover Line and gives information about the main article.
There are Main Cover Lines such as; 'Rolling Stones At The Movies', which tells the reader about other articles in the magazine, so if they like the Rolling Stones they will want to read about them. 'Rolling Stones' is in red which is keeping in with the colour scheme of the magazine.
The magazine has a bar code but it is small, this is a production technique so that no attention is drawn to it before the reader has had a look at the cover and decided whether they want it or not. The price is also small so that the readers aren't put off by how much the magazine costs.
'Free Inside 70 Page Special' tells the reader what they will be reading about inside the magazine. It is a Unique Selling Point to the magazine and is a guide to the inside.