Monday 26 September 2011


Cinematography is to do with the camera such as the angle, focus, composition and framing and movement.
An Extreme Long shot is used to show the landscape in a scene around the character. Extreme long shot is also known as an establishing shot.

A Long shot typically shows the character in the scene and usually shows the surroundings. It shows the character from the feet upwards.

A Medium Long shot shows the characters from the knees upwards. Shows more of the character.

A Mid shot shows the character from the waist upwards. Shows a lot more of the character and hardly any of the surroundings.

A Medium close up shows the character from the chest upwards.

A Close up is where you can only see the characters shoulders and face. Can't really see much of the background.

Extreme Close Up is where you can only see the characters face and no surroundings.

High, Low Angle, Dutch tilt (Canted Angle): the High angle allows the character to show fear makes them have a low status. Low Angle makes the character seem superior and have a high status. The Dutch tilt shows confusion in a scene.

Pan & Tilt: Pan is where the camera is focused on one point and usually is from the eye level. The Tilt is where the camera is moved up or down but still showing the character.

Tracking, Dolly, Crabbing: Tracking is where the camera is on a track and moves from left to right. Dolly is also on a track and so is the crabbing shot.

Crane is where it moves high upwards or when it moves down on a scene.

Sunday 11 September 2011


Conventions are the particular features that make up the given genre. Codes are the ways of conveying meaning to an audience without using words to explain, they can either be symbolic or technical codes. Genre's are the different category's of film, game, music etc for example a horror film.
The target audience are the viewers, the particular type of people who the advert is specifically aimed at.

Friday 9 September 2011

Why I chose Media

I chose media because i want to be a journalist/writer when i'm older so hopefully this will get me started and walking in the right direction.